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Bussiness Growth & Development

Bussiness Growth & Development

Success Needs Care & Attention

Success Needs Care & Attention

Develop Your Business Online As On Person

Develop Your Business Online As On Person

Web Development

Web Development

Social Media Managment

Social Media Managment



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We build customized websites/designs for you and you only, so there is nothing for you to use unless we build it pixel by pixel up to your satisfaction…
We strategize, plan, build and post all of your social media creatives and campaigns based on your short and long term goals, audience, and The reflexion you’re hoping to get from a certain campaign at a cetain time of the year/occasion…
In order to work with us, we have to get on an introduction meeting with your rep, and agree on all the steps and deliverables we need to execute for you. Then we get it on a written proposal that needs to be signed by both parties, then we can proceed to the scetching n dcrafting that consists the creation of your ideas…
As a client, You will recieve weekly or biweekly production reports on the deliverables asked and the progress done so far on the matter…
You will be also recieveing notices of new ideas and requests for meetings for the validation of our creation depending on the urgency and size of the project.